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Do you know what day it is? Blue Monday, better known as “the saddest day of the year”. But don't worry, here are infallible tips to improve your mood and brighten your day! 😍

The term, which first appeared in 2004, perfectly reflects the more "down" state of mind that many of us feel at this time of year — whether due to the end of the festive season and Christmas holidays, or the shorter days and dark winter days, or the pressure of not seeing the first resolutions of a new year fulfilled.

But don't be discouraged, at least not yet: there are simple gestures you can put into practice to boost happiness, good mood and well-being this Monday!

Take care of yourself, from the inside out
Supplementation is an essential well-being gesture throughout the year. A bioavailable and bioactive formula, our Super Mulher Capsules contain plant extracts and adaptogens to support female hormonal and emotional balance . In addition to relieving the physical and mental effects of stress , they also help regulate cortisol levels and balance the hormonal system, stimulating energy, mood, well-being and focus.

Cleanse your body
When done consciously, a detox can have numerous benefits for physical, mental and even emotional well-being . The detox kit contains everything you need to REFRESH your BODY, MIND AND SPIRIT. I love this kit because it contains a lot of good things like a book with 35 exclusive recipes (all with photographs). A Detox manual with 23 pages where you will be able to feel more “support” to really change your life in 2023 and a selection of MPL'beauty products specifically focused on detoxifying the body naturally and feeling even more beautiful.

Eat a nutritious breakfast
The way we start a new day can greatly influence our mood. An instant breakfast mix that can be added to drinks, smoothies, porridge or pancakes, Super Feminina It is ideal for starting the morning with a good dose of energy. In addition to making any breakfast more nutritious, it helps to detoxify and energize, reduce the signs and effects of stress and improve mood.

Try a new recipe
Who else feels reassured when they disconnect from the world, go into the kitchen and try a new recipe? When we challenge ourselves to try something new, like cooking a recipe for the first time, something changes within us — our self-esteem increases, we are active and focused on our intentions, we feel more fulfilled and even creative. Here you will find several recipes that are not only delicious, but also perfect for enhancing your beauty and well-being , from the inside out, using the products from our Wellbeing section and our soluble Mixtures .

Take good care of your skin
The moments we dedicate to caring for our skin can make all the difference in how we feel. For the saddest Monday of the year, there's nothing like doing a self-care ritual with the new revitalizes Body kit . A self-body massage that has draining, relaxing and nourishing effects. Releases negativity, while relieving stress and anxiety.

Meditate and exercise
It's no secret that meditation and physical exercise can do wonders for your physical and mental well-being. Before rolling out the rug, try burning some White Sage . In addition to cleaning spaces and energy, this plant improves the quality of mood and removes everything negative — thus making room for a more positive mood .
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