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Golden Latte

Golden Latte

Do you need to feel better? To strengthen your immunity? This cold weather combined with all the festivities means we need that "extra something"... and you can find a good pick-me-up in this delicious drink.

But first we would like to explain more why this IMMUNIDADE soluble mixture, which resembles a golden latte, is so effective in improving our mood and bringing more health to our daily lives.

The Immunity Mixture is a delicious way to obtain the anti-inflammatory benefits of turmeric and also add the properties of two incredible adaptogens: Mucuna and Ashwagandha .

Mucuna is known as “the dopamine bean”. Its main active ingredient is an amino acid called levodopa (L-dopa), which the brain needs to produce dopamine.

Ashwagandha has the ability to regulate the nervous and immune systems, improving mood and strengthening the body's defenses.

You can add 1 teaspoon of the Immunity Mixture to a cup of your favorite hot milk. It has a comforting flavor of turmeric, ginger, cinnamon and cardamom, with the bonus of protecting and strengthening the immune system, calming the nervous system and stabilizing mood.

Golden Milk Recipe

Serves 1

1 cup of milk

2 teaspoons of IMMUNITY

Heat the milk in a boiler. When it is hot, pour it into a cup and add the immunity mixture. Mix well.

We here at MPL like to use a milk frother and froth machine. This makes it seem like we are drinking a real latte.


There must be no one who has not heard about the anti-inflammatory action of turmeric. And it is one of those trends for just cause, since the benefits of this root are countless and its use is ancient, in Traditional Medicines. In Ayurvedic Medicine, it has been used for centuries to improve the digestive system, relieve joint pain, reduce fatigue and apathy and even to treat skin problems, such as inflammation or acne.

Due to its ability to protect the immune system, Curcuma is the main ingredient in the Immunity Mixture, alongside other adaptogenic plants, such as Mucuna and Ashwagadha.

Benefits of Turmeric :

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action:
the active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, an anti-inflammatory that reduces the action caused by free radicals and prevents oxidative stress. This oxidative stress is nothing more than the premature aging of the body, something that is very noticeable in our skin, due to the appearance of wrinkles, spots or irregular texture.

Anti-microbial action: Inhibits the growth of aggressors, such as bacteria, viruses and fungi and, therefore, is an ally in strengthening our immune system.

Supports the digestive system: due to its anti-inflammatory action, turmeric helps calm the digestive system and can help alleviate symptoms such as bloating, stomach pain, diarrhea or gas. By strengthening the digestive microbiome, it also supports the immune system, as our microbiome is a mirror of our defenses.

Choleretic: supports liver function and increases bile secretion, helping the body to metabolize fats. It can help in cases of high cholesterol or triglycerides, when there is an excessive concentration of lipids in the blood.

studies suggest the anti-depressant action of curcumin, as the plant increases the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter linked to the sensation of pleasure and motivation.

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