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Even if you experience less positive effects from coffee - anxiety, sleepless nights or digestive problems - it is not easy to break the habit of drinking it daily. Whether because of the taste or the social ritual, and above all because of the energy it gives us and the dependence it creates, stopping drinking coffee is not easy and can even be accompanied by headaches and bad mood (it is always a good idea to tell people close to you when you drink coffee). weaning from coffee…).

Around here, we are more fans of matcha , a delicate green tea super rich in antioxidants, which awakens the mind, without making us nervous, in addition to containing countless other benefits. It can and should be part of your routine, whether to replace or reduce the coffee you drink, or to bring other benefits to your body.

Main differences between matcha and coffee

  • Goodbye, anxiety! Everyone has experienced a feeling of agitation and anxiety after too much caffeine (too much varies from person to person). Matcha , although it also has caffeine , also contains an amino acid called L-theanine , which causes caffeine to be metabolized more slowly, having a lesser impact on the central nervous system. The alertness and energy we feel with coffee is present in matcha, but without the bad part - without cortisol spikes, increased anxiety and without the energy crash that coffee causes after a few hours.
  • More antioxidants. Matcha contains 10 times more antioxidants than green tea since it is made from the whole plant. It is especially rich in EGC , a catechin common in green tea, with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, protecting the body from free radical damage and premature aging. It is also known to strengthen joints . EGC also has a thermogenic effect , so it boosts metabolism and is positive for those who need to control weight gain.
  • More protected teeth. Unlike coffee, matcha does not harm our teeth, as it is not as acidic, nor does it make them yellow.

What matcha to drink?

Look for a matcha with a very bright green color and organically produced. If a matcha has a faded color, it is a sign that it is old, that it was harvested a long time ago or that it has been adulterated - and therefore will no longer provide the same benefits to your body.

If the taste of matcha is a problem for you (it may be too strange at first), in addition to mixing it with milk and making a matcha latte , you can opt for the Creativity Protein or the Focus Mixture . Protein is ideal for a super complete breakfast shake, with bioavailable vegetable protein, matcha and stimulating plants such as Hericium and Eleuthro, which stimulate energy and mental clarity. It is rich in antioxidants , not only due to matcha, but also because it contains powdered algae - chlorella and spirulina -, rich in minerals and vitamins and with the ability to stimulate detoxification in the body. The Focus Blend is great for a matcha latte, also enriched with adaptogens such as Hericium mushroom, Rehmania or Ashwagandha, to improve brain function, boost energy and protect the adrenal glands from stress. It also has a touch of cinnamon and ginger that gives it a delicious flavor.

Here are the recipes for a matcha latte and a smoothie to feel energetic and creative first thing in the morning.

5 tips to reduce or eliminate coffee consumption

  1. Reduce the daily amount of coffee. Choose one of the coffees you drink daily as your essential and, when you feel like a second dose, make a matcha latte .
  2. Don't drink coffee as soon as you wake up. In the morning, our cortisol levels are higher and by drinking coffee, we are creating an even bigger spike. Wait a few hours after waking up and, if possible, drink your coffee with your food or afterwards, on a full stomach. When you wake up, you should drink water - and even better if you addDetox Drops . The mint flavor can even help you enjoy this habit more.
  3. Every other day. Try drinking coffee and matcha alternately to make it easier to stop drinking coffee altogether if that is your goal, or simply reduce your daily dose of coffee.
  4. Don't drink coffee in the afternoon . If you really need a pick-me-up, opt for matcha, especially Mitura Foco , enriched with other stimulating plants that do not interfere with the production of cortisol.
  5. Save coffee for special and social moments. For weekends, vacation days or even when traveling, when you have new coffees to try. Just like you save sugar for special occasions, you can do the same with coffee. And choose quality, fair trade beans, as coffee sales do not always respect workers' rights and sustainable production methods.
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