Skin gums


What is it for: Improve skin appearance

Acne combat
Balances oiliness

Key Ingredient: Matcha

4 tablespoons of gelatin powder
2 teaspoons of Matcha MPLbeauty
1/2 cup of hot water
1 can of coconut milk
Acer qb syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla

• In a blender glass put the gelatin and matcha. Cover with hot water. Let it absorb while heat the coconut milk.
• Heat the coconut milk, do not boil.
• Remove from heat and add to the mixture of matcha along with vanilla. Sweeten to taste with Acer syrup. Beat well about 2 minutes.
• Turn to small or large silicone forms. Put in the fridge and let it stay 1 hour or until it becomes gelatin.